Accept and plan trips
Get real-time updates when you get booked. Easily check which dates are available and accept new bookings in one click.
![Bookings Navigation](
![Manage Booking Requests](
![Update Your Availability](
Update and view your calendar
Make sure you get booked when you’re available. Got a short notice trip with a returning client? Block out the date and leave a note.
![Bookings Navigation](
Finalize the details
Keep in touch with customers through Instant Messaging. Save responses to their common questions, create tailor-made offers, and keep in touch before and after the trip.
![Inbox Navigation](
Fine tune your offer
Never lose out because of an outdated ad. Add new listings, update your trip prices, change your availability settings, and much more.
![Stats Navigation](
Make your page shine
Make your listing a virtual boat board. Let your customers know what’s are the best on the water activities and respond to your reviews with photos and videos. Help people know you’re the one to choose!
![Reports & Reviews Navigation](
![Reports & Reviews](
Make your listing visible as a legitimate business. Upload your documents to increase your rankings, present your business in the best possible light, and get more bookings.
![Verification Navigation](