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Appropriate for children
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Caught fish
4 Hour Trip on April 7, 2024
Captain Zach clearly loves what he does & fortunate for us…he’s good at it, fun, and has good musical taste. First time fisher people and we had a blast. We appreciate Captain Zach because the morning weather was windy and he phoned to share it would not be fun and he wanted to make sure it was fun since we were spending good money on an experience. We delayed a few hours and then got out on the water for an amazing four hours of fishing. Really wonderful way of teaching novices. And let us believe we caught the biggest fish EVER. Relaxed personality and just wanted to make sure people enjoyed themself. Captain Zach cleaned our Yellow Tail Snapper and filleted them so they are ready for pan frying. Highly recommend Captain Zach and Boatary Club Key West!!
Captain Zach clearly loves what he does & fortunate for us…he’s good at it, fun, and has good musical taste. First time fisher people and we had a blast. We appreciate Captain Zach because the morning weather was windy and he phoned to share it would not be fun and he wanted to make sure it was fun since we were spending good money on an experience. We delayed a few hours and then got out on the water for an amazing four hours of fishing. Really wonderful way of teaching novices. And let us...
Apr 7, 2024
4 Hour Trip
Captain Zach clearly loves what he does & fortunate for us…he’s good at it, fun, and has good musical taste. First time fisher people and we had a blast. We appreciate Captain Zach because the morning weather was windy and he phoned to share it would not be fun and he wanted to make sure it was fun since we were spending good money on an experience. We delayed a few hours and then got out on the water for an amazing four hours of fishing. Really wonderful way of teaching novices. And let us believe we caught the biggest fish EVER. Relaxed personality and just wanted to make sure people enjoyed themself. Captain Zach cleaned our Yellow Tail Snapper and filleted them so they are ready for pan frying. Highly recommend Captain Zach and Boatary Club Key West!!
Captain Zach clearly loves what he does & fortunate for us…he’s good at it, fun, and has good musical taste. First time fisher...
6 Hour Trip on April 4, 2023
Apr 4, 2023
6 Hour Trip
Paris, TN
4 Hour Trip on January 15, 2023
Paris, TN
Jan 15, 2023
4 Hour Trip
6 Hour Trip on December 10, 2022
Dec 10, 2022
6 Hour Trip